Pitti Uomo 96 has been and gone, and what a show it was! With temperatures reaching 38 degrees Celsius I commend all the men and women for managing to stay immaculately polished in their 3 piece suits. Gotta love the Pitti Peacocks!
Joking aside, I was lucky enough to be asked to go with the lovely Albert Thurston gang again. This Pitti, we showcased some new silk braces and limited additions as well as introducing a brand new range of belts - never done before by Albert Thurston. It's an exciting time for the business as they're celebrating their 200 year anniversary in 2020, so some special new items have also been added to the collection!

Because I'm out there to work, I didn't get to do much site-seeing as we had little free time. However, I did get to drunkenly ride a carousel and I count that as a win.
When I wasn't working on the stand, you could either find me drinking, enjoying the views from our penthouse, drinking, eating, or drinking (did I mention that one already?).
The weather was amazing, and the company was even better. I met up with a few old friends, saw some familiar faces, and made lots of new and exciting connections.
On Wednesday, I went to an amazing evening hosted by Huddersfield Fine Worsted in an incredible palazzo overlooking the amazing Basilica di Santa Croce di Firenze - just wow. I was brushing shoulders with some of fashion and textiles royalty, so it's safe to say I felt very out of my depth (I'd like to think I held my own though).
I'd love to mention the food, but the Florentine cuisine deserves a full post of its own and we'd all be here for hours just drooling on our devices. So you'll have to settle for this Magnum ice cream that I devoured instead. It was chocolate ice cream dunked in melted milk chocolate, then sprinkled with raspberry, brownie, and honeycomb pieces, then drizzled with melted white chocolate. Hell yes.
I'm sad that the week went so quickly without me getting to do/see some of the things that I wanted, but I guess that just gives me an excuse to return to beautiful Florence. My one regret from this trip is not taking enough photos. I went to so many incredible places and met so many amazing people - but have absolutely no evidence (or the evidence I do have is too embarrassing!!) I guess it just means I was having too much fun.
To everyone that I met in Firenze; new and old, I had a fabulous time and I'm so glad to have met you all.
Ciao for now.
P.S Whilst I'm writing this, it's dark and raining outside.